Marker Learning: Accessible, Affordable Learning Disability Support

Marker Learning: Accessible, Affordable Learning Disability Support

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Last updated:
March 10, 2023
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In Partnership with Marker Learning

1 in 5 Students Have a Learning Challenge

It can be incredibly difficult to see your child struggle in school. Behaviors like acting out or falling behind in classes may not seem unusual, but they can often be a sign of something deeper. It's estimated that 1 in 5 students have a learning challenge like dyslexia, dysgraphia, or ADHD, and 95% of these students never receive a diagnosis.

Kids Who Learn Differently Can Thrive

With a proper diagnosis and the right support, learning challenges can be overcome. In the US, students and employees diagnosed with learning disabilities are entitled to specific accommodations to help them succeed, such as more time for tests and assignments. But getting a diagnosis can be incredibly difficult. Evaluations often cost over $4,000 and waitlists can be months long.

This is where Marker Learning comes in. They’re making learning disability support accessible to everyone by providing virtual assessments and specialized tutoring at an affordable cost. Keep reading to find out how. 

Virtual evaluations with flexible scheduling break down barriers to traditional evaluations.

Easy, Convenient, and Affordable

Traditional options for learning disability evaluation and diagnosis can cost $4,000 or more, and often have months-long waiting lists. With Marker, evaluations are conducted within one month, and cost as low as $995 – less than a quarter of the price of traditional evaluations. And they offer flexible payment plan options, so families can get the support they need without breaking the bank.

Marker evaluations are done from the comfort of your home.

Marker evaluations are conducted virtually, so students can take the evaluation from the comfort of their own home at the time that works best for them. Their team of psychologists, tutors, and coaches are experts in identifying learning disabilities and providing learning support and care via telehealth, so students can trust they are in good hands with Marker.

“I came across Marker Learning online. They were happy to be part of our journey, and we were able to work with our school and they understood what my daughter’s disability was.” - Stephanie, Marker Learning parent

Individualized Plans

Marker simplifies the often complicated and overwhelming path to a learning disability diagnosis.

Their website offers a free quiz to help parents and adult patients determine if a learning disability evaluation is right for them. After that, they’ll schedule a free consultation with a specialist to develop an action plan.

After taking the quiz, you can book a free 15 minute consultation with a specialist.

If an evaluation is necessary, Marker sets up a virtual session with a licensed psychologist. Once completed, students receive a detailed report including a diagnosis and action plan, and meet with their psychologist to discuss next steps, including detailed instruction on how to apply for school or work accommodations.

“I was really impressed with the thought process they put into it. They had three sessions with her and she just did great. Afterwards we got a packet with so much information in it and sat with us to go over what we could do to help her.” - Stephanie, Marker Learning parent
Marker specialists provide a detailed report and action plan following evaluation.

Tutoring and Learning Support

Marker also offers personalized tutoring services tailored specifically for people who learn differently. The tutoring program utilizes a variety of approaches, such as Orton Gillingham or Structured Literacy, customized to the specific student's needs.

Marker follows a step-by-step process to make sure each student develops the skills they need to thrive.

Programs focus on a variety of obstacles, including foundational skills, fluency and comprehension, and spelling. Their math support uses multi-sensory approaches to engage students and boost their confidence, and their ADHD coaching services are tailored to students with attention difficulties, equipping them with the skills they need to succeed at work and in life.
For added peace of mind, Marker offers a 90-day money-back guarantee if the student isn't seeing results.

“Struggling to read in high school was emotionally and socially taxing for Jordan. Since he’s started tutoring, I’ve already seen incredible improvements in his confidence.” - Theresa, Marker Learning parent
Marker has transformed the lives of so many students!

How to Get Started

If you’re a parent concerned that your child might have a learning disability, or you’ve experienced symptoms of a learning disability yourself, take the quiz now and schedule a free consultation with a Marker specialist:

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