Nurture Life’s Super Sammies: The Better Uncrusted Sandwich?
Product Review

Nurture Life’s Super Sammies: The Better Uncrusted Sandwich?

Last updated:
April 19, 2024
Words by:
TCD Staff
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PB&J is perhaps the most iconic of kids’ lunches, and for good reason! When made with quality ingredients, it’s nutritious, stays fresh all day, and is loved by kids (except for those pesky crusts!). So it’s no surprise that pre-made uncrusted PB&Js—you know the ones—have become so popular. Still, that leading uncrusted PB&J falls far short on nutrition, containing high sugar, refined carbs, processed ingredients, and common allergens (peanuts).

Nurture Life tackles these concerns with their new crustless PB&J—Super Sammies—made with 58% less sugar, whole ingredients, and no peanuts (or nuts). We recruited TCD parents and kids for a head-to-head taste test with the leading uncrusted PB&J. And we enlisted Rachel Rothman (MS, RD, CLEC), a pediatric nutrition expert and registered dietitian, to help us understand if Super Sammies are a nutritious whole-food alternative. Read on to find out why Nurture Life’s Super Sammies are the clear winner on nutrients, ingredients, allergens, and taste.

How does Nurture Life’s Super Sammies (left in both images) compare to the leading uncrusted PB&J?

Choosing the Right Option for Children 

As parents, we know it’s a constant struggle to find convenient, healthy lunches and snacks that kids actually enjoy eating. We look for a combo of nutrition, ingredients, allergen friendliness, and taste that kids like and we can feel good about.

  • On nutrition and ingredients: Should contain a variety of whole food macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat), with minimal added sugar.
  • On allergens: If your child has a nut or peanut allergy, nut butters are out of the question – but many schools have nut-free policies as well. Look for “something that swaps peanut butter with something equally nutritious,” Rothman tells us.
  • On taste: For kids, taste is the most important factor. Rothman adds, “If kids don’t like what they’re eating, none of the above matters!”

We’ve compared Super Sammies to the leading uncrusted PB&J in the table below.

Super Sammies vs. the Leading Uncrusted PB&J

Ingredients: Super Sammies’ Less Sugar and Clean ingredients Wins

Super Sammies contain 58% less added sugar than the leading uncrusted PB&J. Sweetness comes primarily from whole food ingredients like dates and fruits. Contrast that with the leading uncrusted PB&J’s 9g of added sugar. “That’s already 36% of the daily recommended added sugar intake for children with just one sandwich,”2 Rothman explains, “and sustained high added sugar intake increases risks of obesity and related metabolic disorders.”3 

Super Sammies use all-natural, Non-GMO Project Verified ingredients. The leading uncrusted PB&J makes no GMO statement and includes artificial preservatives and/or synthetic ingredients like pectin, citric acid, and potassium sorbate.

Allergy Concerns: Super Sammies’ Certified Nut-Free Ingredients Win 

When it comes to allergy concerns, the choice is straightforward. The leading uncrusted PB&J contains peanuts, among the most common food allergens in the US. Super Sammies are completely nut-free, opting to use creamy sunflower seed butter. That’s great for kids who do have nut allergies, or go to a school with nut restrictions.

Bonus: all Nurture Life products are made in a facility that is free of peanuts and tree nuts, milk, egg, fish and shellfish. No “may contain” language here. 

Parents can safely pack Super Sammies for school lunch as they are 100% nut-free

Nutrition: Super Sammies’ High Fiber and Protein Wins

Both products clock in at 210 calories, but Super Sammies’ combo of whole grains, protein, healthy fats, and lower sugar make it the clear winner on nutrition. “It will also keep your kids fuller, longer,” says Rothman.

Super Sammies offer twice as much fiber (from 100% whole wheat) as the leading uncrusted PB&J. “Fiber is proven to support gut and cardiovascular health for kids today, and later in life,”1 Rothman tells us.  Enriched unbleached flour (aka white flour) is the leading uncrusted PB&J’s first ingredient. “In the process of creating these ‘refined grains’” she explains, “naturally occuring vitamins and minerals are often stripped out.”

Super Sammies beats the leading uncrusted PB&J with 8g of protein compared to 6g, supporting healthy muscle and bone development. Super Sammies also wins on healthy fats (from sunflower butter), and is lower in saturated fat.

Taste: It’s a Tie

Let’s be honest - ask your kid how important nutrition and ingredients are to them and they’ll give you side-eye. So we asked TCD kids to compare Super Sammies and the leading uncrusted PB&J on taste. Despite Super Sammies’ healthier ingredients, we were surprised to see it was a tie! In short, most kids loved both products – but for different reasons.

Kids compared Super Sammies to homemade PB&J, and enjoyed the different taste of the allergen-free sunflower butter. 

“Creamier and yummy. Like homemade PB&J but different.” 
“Less sweet than the other one, but smoother, and I feel more full.”

TCD kids enjoying Super Sammies Strawberry Smash

Parents agreed, likening the creamier, fresh texture to “real food.”

"The texture was just right - not too dry or mushy. It works for my crust-hating picky eater! Try it toasted!"
"Super Sammies tasted fresh, like it was just made. The other one tasted pretty processed."

On the other hand, kids described the leading uncrusted PB&J as much sweeter and more candy-like.

“Kinda like a Poptart but for lunch.”
“Really good, but too dry versus the other one”

Parents again agreed here, referring to the sugar-packed, processed nature of the leading uncrusted PB&J.

“It has peanut butter in the same way Reese’s PB Cups have peanut butter.”
“I was actually surprised by just how sweet it was. I worry about the sugar content.”

The Ultimate Crustless Sandwich: Super Sammies

We find it easy to recommend Nurture Life’s Super Sammies: on its own merits, and especially as an alternative to the leading uncrusted PB&J. Super Sammies are just as tasty, but are also high in nutrition, contain quality, whole-food ingredients, and are allergy-friendly.

Rothman, our pediatric nutrition expert, agrees. “For its convenience and nutrition, I recommend Super Sammies to parents (and feed them to my own kids as well!).” 

Ready to try Super Sammies? With TCD, save 50% on your first order at Nurture Life.  

Nurture Life’s Super Sammies win our comparison test




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